

Even though you may be sick and tired of hearing about the “Gen Y” issue, you have no option but to take it seriously in the workplace.  The fact of the matter is, Generation Y is the largest bloc to enter the workforce since the boomers and they, just like every generation before and every generation to come, have different values, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors.  The difference is that for this generation the attitudes, values, behaviors and beliefs are quite different than those traditionally held in the workplace environment; thus, workplaces across the globe and across industry are feeling the consequences. So, what do we know about this generation?

  • 80 million boomers will retire over the next 20 years
  • There are only 43 million Gen Xers
  • The 72 million Gen Ys will therefore dominate the workforce for 40 years.

We also know that they have demands for increased flexibility, improved work/life integration, expectations for advancement  based on performance over seniority and desire for portfolio careers that allow for innovation, creativity, opportunity and experience. This is a reflection of the shifting business mindset and it’s time to rethink how to effectively engage and reengage people, how to manage people, how to develop people and how to create a workplace culture that help people thrive.




People work because they need money to live. What are some other reasons that people work.
In one way or another, all people around the world work for the ultimate purpose of seeking a better life. It is widely believed that people work solely for money. However, it is only one of the numerous important purposes of working, and oftentimes there is a lot of benefits that people obtain from working without even consciously realizing them. Nowadays, except for money, people still work for many reasons, including to understand and fulfill their responsibilities in society, to avoid wastefulness, and to keep their minds active.

For many people, the biggest benefit of working lies in a priceless lesson of responsibility. Through working, people learn how to be responsible, first to themselves, then to their families and the society. If working is all about money, why even kids from well-off families, Bill Gate’s for example, bother going to work even though they are guaranteed a wealthy future life whatsoever? It is because they want to be responsible for their own lives, to live on their labor, not on their parents’ fortune. Next, working gives them a strong sense of responsibility for their family and society. Family life is happiest when all members share family work and together contribute to make it a more comfortable and harmonious life. Likewise, a country is most prosperous when every citizen contributes their part to make it thrive.

Another important reason that makes people look for job is to understand the importance of producing property and avoid wastefulness. As a matter of fact, not working leads to indolence; indolence facilitates spending and extravagance. People who don’t work at all have nothing to keep themselves busy, hence often indulge in expensive entertainment, lavish shopping, and so on. Understanding this fact, many people, even privileged ones, choose to work to stay away from wastefulness, and to be helpful. In short, working, or living on what they created teaches them not only the value of labor and property, but also the importance of frugality and economy.

Last but not least, to work is to keep us active and in good shape. Working is about constantly learning and understanding things around us. When we stop working, we spend less time thinking and pondering about things that so far have deeply affected our lives. Soon knowledge is eroded, and our brains become idle and self-indulgent. As time goes on, we gradually lose concern about everything except ourselves. To prevent this from happening, some people, especially the old, still learn and work in various ways even though they have retired.

To sum up, working to most people are, although difficult, still rewarding because of the great benefits it brings about. Besides earning money, people also work for many important purposes, including to be aware of their duties, to steer clear from wastefulness, and to stay lively and active. Therefore, I would advise anyone to find a suitable work for themselves because working is the best way through which they can enjoy life

Generation X, Y, Z

Generations X,Y, Z and the Others
Reference by : William J. Schroer



Post-War Cohort
Born: 1928-1945
Coming of Age: 1946-1963
Age in 2012: 67 to 82
Current Population: 41 million (declining)
This generation had significant opportunities in jobs and education as the War ended and a post-war economic boom struck America. However, the growth in Cold War tensions, the potential for nuclear war and other never before seen threats led to levels of discomfort and uncertainty throughout the generation. Members of this group value security, comfort, and familiar, known activities and environments.

Boomers I or The Baby Boomers
Born: 1946-1954
Coming of Age: 1963-1972
Age in 2012: 58-66
Current Population: 33 million
For a long time the Baby Boomers were defined as those born between 1945 and 1964. That would make the generation huge (71 million) and encompass people who were 20 years apart in age. It didn’t compute to have those born in 1964 compared with those born in 1946. Life experiences were completely different. Attitudes, behaviors and society were vastly different. In effect, all the elements that help to define a cohort were violated by the broad span of years originally included in the concept of the Baby Boomers. The first Boomer segment is bounded by the Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinations, the Civil Rights movements and the Vietnam War. Boomers I were in or protested the War. Boomers 2 or the Jones Generation missed the whole thing.

Boomers I had good economic opportunities and were largely optimistic about the potential for America and their own lives, the Vietnam War notwithstanding.

Boomers II or Generation Jones
Born: 1955-1965
Coming of Age: 1973-1983
Age in 2012: 47 to 57
Current Population: 49 million
This first post-Watergate generation lost much of its trust in government and optimistic views the Boomers I maintained. Economic struggles including the oil embargo of 1979 reinforced a sense of “I’m out for me” and narcissism and a focus on self-help and skepticism over media and institutions is representative of attitudes of this cohort. While Boomers I had Vietnam, Boomers II had AIDS as part of their rites of passage.
The youngest members of the Boomer II generation in fact did not have the benefits of the Boomer I class as many of the best jobs, opportunities, housing etc. were taken by the larger and earlier group. Both Gen X and Boomer II s suffer from this long shadow cast by Boomers I.

Generation X
Born: 1966-1976
Coming of Age: 1988-1994
Age in 2012: 3 to 46
Current Population: 41 million
Sometimes referred to as the “lost” generation, this was the first generation of “latchkey” kids, exposed to lots of daycare and divorce. Known as the generation with the lowest voting participation rate of any generation, Gen Xers were quoted by Newsweek as “the generation that dropped out without ever turning on the news or tuning in to the social issues around them.”

Gen X is often characterized by high levels of skepticism, “what’s in it for me” attitudes and a reputation for some of the worst music to ever gain popularity. Now, moving into adulthood William Morrow (Generations) cited the childhood divorce of many Gen Xers as “one of the most decisive experiences influencing how Gen Xers will shape their own families”.

Gen Xers are arguably the best educated generation with 29% obtaining a bachelor’s degree or higher (6% higher than the previous cohort). And, with that education and a growing maturity they are starting to form families with a higher level of caution and pragmatism than their parents demonstrated. Concerns run high over avoiding broken homes, kids growing up without a parent around and financial planning.

Generation Y, Echo Boomers or Millenniums
Born: 1977-1994
Coming of Age: 1998-2012
Age in 2012: 18 to 36
Current Population: 71 million
The largest cohort since the Baby Boomers, their high numbers reflect their births as that of their parent generation..the last of the Boomer Is and most of the Boomer II s. Gen Y kids are known as incredibly sophisticated, technology wise, immune to most traditional marketing and sales pitches…as they not only grew up with it all, they’ve seen it all and been exposed to it all since early childhood.

Gen Y members are much more racially and ethnically diverse and they are much more segmented as an audience aided by the rapid expansion in Cable TV channels, satellite radio, the Internet, e-zines, etc.

Gen Y are less brand loyal and the speed of the Internet has led the cohort to be similarly flexible and changing in its fashion, style consciousness and where and how it is communicated with.

Gen Y kids often raised in dual income or single parent families have been more involved in family purchases…everything from groceries to new cars. One in nine Gen Yers has a credit card co-signed by a parent.

Generation Z
Born: 1995-2012
Coming of Age: 2013-2020
Age in 2012: 8-17
Current Population: 23 million and growing rapidly
While we don’t know much about Gen Z yet…we know a lot about the environment they are growing up in. This highly diverse environment will make the grade schools of the next generation the most diverse ever. Higher levels of technology will make significant inroads in academics allowing for customized instruction, data mining of student histories to enable pinpoint diagnostics and remediation or accelerated achievement opportunities.

Gen Z kids will grow up with a highly sophisticated media and computer environment and will be more Internet savvy and expert than their Gen Y forerunners. More to come on Gen Z…stay tuned.

Next time we will start to take a more in-depth look at the most significant and impactful of the generational cohorts and what implications there might be for libraries and librarians.

 The difference is that for this generation the attitudes, values, behaviors and beliefs are quite different than those traditionally held in the workplace environment; thus, workplaces across the globe and across industry are feeling the consequences. So, what do we know about this generation?

  • 80 million boomers will retire over the next 20 years
  • There are only 43 million Gen Xers
  • The 72 million Gen Ys will therefore dominate the workforce for 40 years.