Product need

Important product for me

Every day i need anithing product and service. To get all the product i need money to pay product what i want. Its make me to hardwork to get everithing. Bellow is kinds of product need of me :
1. Primary need (Food, clothes and house)
This is my primary need. I need food to still life and as my resources energy to doing my activities. I need clothes to save my body, style, fashion and culture. I need house to take a rest after all activities, come together with family and keep from weather.
2. Secondary need
My secondary need is a need after primary need is completely. This requirement is a good food, good education, good house, clothes and etc. Exception of luxury need.
3. Luxury need or tertier need
Tertier need is category of luxury product. I will buy this product after primary and secondary need is completly. Include this product is car, smart phone, ipad, travelling to foreign country, apartment , laptop, giant screen.
For laptop and smartphone is not category luxury need because I need for everiday to support in study and work. I need handphone to comunicated with friends, family and the other in every time. So I thing smartphene or mobile phone is not category in luxury need.